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The Super Femme
Glittering in Your 20s

The Super Femme

Femme of The Month

Lauren Conrad is not your ordinary femme. In her early 20s, this head turner has BEEN THERE and DONE THAT, from heartbreaks to triumph. Now at 27, she has various achievements and has her name carved in Hollywood, definately more than an IT girl.

Mantra of the Moment

"Success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable”
- Coco Chanel

Current Addiction

Virtual Therapy


June 2013
July 2013

Write Us

Have something to share or ask?
I ♥ to hear from you! Feel free to reach me at thesuperfemme@gmail.com and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

1) Make a list & swear by it!
Paying a visit to the supermarket can be therapeutic but we tend to get carried away for hours just browsing through the shelves sometimes. Many of us are guilty for leaving the supermarket with a number of things we do not need which then end up in the bin eventually. Spare yourself the guilt trip and save the spree for the weekend for new threads instead!

2) Cut out the coupons!
Do your homework before going to the supermarket! Open your daily newspaper or even go online and check out for special promotions! Try this out religiously for a month and you would be surprised at how much you could potentially save! Besides, a one for one deal always sounds like a good idea!

3) Bulky!
Buying in bulk is not the wisest move when buying certain products. Brown rice, nuts, supplements and candies are just to name a few. Identify the items that are practical to buy in bulk, consider their shelf life and storage space.

4) Compare!
Go the extra mile and compare prices before making purchases. A dollar or two saved on an item can bring you a long way in the long run. Feed your piggy bank instead!

5) Witching hour!
Some supermarkets have better deals close to closing time! We all know that some things just have to go on the day itself so be there or be square! It will make your purse's day!

12:30 AM

Friday, July 19, 2013

1) Bake.

The best time to bake would be during the weekends. Put on your apron and put your secret recipe to good use. What's better, call a couple of your femme friends over to join in the fun.

2) Read.

Drown yourself in a good book. Pay the library a visit and take your time in a book hunt. Trust me, this whole process can be quite therapeutic.

3) Fly.

Kite flying is quite a trend right now. Get yourself a kite, soak in the sun and enjoy Mother Nature. You might make this your new hobby, it's never too late.

4) Learn Something New.

With youtube, it's possible to learn almost anything and everything at the comfort of your own home. Click away and pick up a new skill from fabulous make-up tricks to power work out routines.

5) Burn, baby burn.    

Give your mind and body a ride by engaging yourself in a good exercise. Work out solo or get your buddy to join in the fun in a match of tennis.

6) Cook it. 

Potluck gatherings are always full of surprises. Organize one with your family or friends and take this opportunity to put your culinary skills to test.

7) Give a hand.

Nothing is more rewarding than to help others. Spend some quality time playing your part in society. Remember, a small contribution can make a big difference.

11:34 PM

Pink Recipe for the Femme
Thursday, July 18, 2013


10:58 AM

Beat It!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

We dread that time of the month, don't we? I'm sure we've all had rock bottom days for no other reason but PMS. Let's face it, we femmes have many more months to battle this syndrome and for that reason, we shouldn't let this 'catastrophe' overrule us.

1. Keep track
Writing a symptoms diary can help. Recognise what's going on throughout the month by noting how you feel day to day so you can schedule things to coincide with specific times during your cycle. If, for instance, you tend to feel great for a few days during the month, that's the time to take your driving test or go for a job interview.

2. Tackle The Symptoms
Many PMS symptoms can be easily controlled using a natural remedy. For acne, try taking a 15mg zinc tablet once a day. Feverfew, taken in a tablet form is a great natural way of treating migraines. Women suffering from bloating - which is often associated with PMS - can benefit from burdock root capsules.

3. Load Up On Vitamins And Minerals
In studies, a lack of various nutrients has been implicated in increased PMS symptoms, including magnesium, calcium, vitamin D, B vitamins, iron and zinc. In one study, by the Women's Nutritional Advisory Service, between 50 and 80 percent of women with PMS were found to have low levels of magnesium. Eating a nutrient-rich diet can help boost your levels of vitamins and minerals, though supplements can also help.

4. Lose Excess Weight
Several scientists, including Dr Carrie Sadler from Southampton University, have discovered that the more overweight you are, the more likely it is you'll suffer from PMS. Similarily, Virginia-based researchers have found obese women are three times more likely to suffer than those of normal weight.

5. Chill Out
Stress is also implicated in PMS. If you're stressed, you'll have worse PMS than when you're relaxed. Practise ways of relaxing, such as yoga, meditation, breathing exercises or anything else that works for you.

6. Get Moving 
Exercise can lift your mood, as it helps boost your brain's level of feel-good chemicals called endorphins (some scientists below low endorphin levels are also implicated in PMS). At least four exercise sessions a week that leave you breathless for 20-30 minutes will help.

7. Snack Away
Your body needs 500 extra calories a day in the run up to your period, as that's when your iron levels are at their lowest. On those days, have a healthy mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack to keep everything ticking over normally.

8. Take Essential Oils 
Some studies suggest that gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) helps to reduce PMS symptoms, such as irritability, stomach cramps and breastpain - find it in evening primrose oil, starflower oil and blackcurrant oil.

9. Heal With Herbs
A plant called agnus castus is popular in the treatment of PMS. Research in the British Medical Journal suggests it may improve symptoms by more than 50 percent. ST Johns Wort or 5HTP is also recommended but can reduce the effectiveness of the contraceptive pill.

10. Cut Them Out
Salt, sugar, coffee and alcohol have all been linked with PMS symptoms. Salt causes bloating, alcohol can worsen your mood, caffeine can increase breast tenderness and sugar exacerbates food cravings.

It's just a temporary bump some of us have to face every month. Let's face it bravely!

11:23 AM

Burn baby burn!
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Ok femmes, we have good news!
We chanced upon a workout routine suggested by one of the top celebrity trainers, Justin Gelband, who's responsible for shaping up the hot bods of Lindsay's, Anne Hathaway's and Fergie's.
You don't have to spend a bomb getting yourself a trainer if you stick to this routine!

                                  His top 3 hot body rules:

What to do:

Exercise 3-4 times a week for 75 minutes each time.
Include a full-body workout: 30 minutes on legs, 30 minutes on core, arms and balance, and 15 minutes of stretching. The girls love mixing it up at the gym. And are mostly concerned with their butt, hips, and thighs.

What they do on the circuit:

- 15 push-ups on the knees
- Jump rope for one min, rest for 30 secs
- Jump rope for 45 secs, then rest for 15 secs
(or sometimes he gets them to do one min on one min off)
- Mix it up by incorporating a few yoga moves
- Sometimes he gets them to do 30 minutes of boxing, followed by 30 minutes of Pilates.


Okay look at any old model on a catwalk. Hmm..yes long bony, frail, pale legs with absolultey no muscle definition and not to mention a tan. But not the VS girls. NO WAY! Put your hand up if you want their legs....

Here's what you have to do:

- Leg extensions
- Leg presses
- Calf Raises
- 20 leg kicks either side
- Balance on one foot holding a ball or weight for 30 seconds (do three sets of these on each leg).

Aside keeping to a routine, do not forget to follow a healthy diet! Remember, you are what you eat! It is after all inefficient to workout without watching your diet! It takes two hands to clap!

With that, we wish you good luck in getting that VS body that's to die for! Nothing is impossible!

3:22 PM

Sole Searching
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

10:16 AM

Eat Pink!
Thursday, June 27, 2013


1 Sift flour and baking powder into a bowl.
2. Stir in the sugar.
3. Lightly beat egg and milk together and add to flour mix.
4. Whisk until the batter is smooth.
5. Fold in blueberries.
6. Heat a non stick frypan and brush with butter.
7. Use a tablespoon, small ladle or jug to pour in the batter about 2 tablespoons at a time.
8. Cook for about 2mins ensuring the butter does not brown or the mixture burn.
9. Turn over the pikelets and cook for about another half a minute.
10. Allow to cool and top with fresh ricotta and a dust of sugar if desired or serve in small stacks with maple syrup.

11:22 PM